"The Chronicles of a Country Parish" - A village appraisal of Sulgrave published in 1995

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This club was set up in 1952, when a number of 'regulars' at the Star Inn, with the approval of the publican at the time, Mr. Jack Salisbury, decided that a Savings Club would be attractive, not only to those who frequented the 'Star', but to anyone else who card to join.

A Committee was formed, with the late Mr. Rob Young as Secretary, a set of rules was drawn up and the Oxford Trustees Savings Bank at Banbury, now part of the TSB, was appointed Trustee of the weekly collection.

The collections took place each Friday evening, and, with the only advertising being literally by 'word of mouth', the membership steadily grew, until it became necessary for two officials to take the money, and record the amount on individual membership cards and in the Club's cash book.

In early December, the books were audited, the auditor calculating the amount of bank interest due to each member according to the amount he or she had subscribed, and the subscriptions and interest were paid out some time in the second week in December, in good time for Christmas shopping.

The 'pay out night' was always a big occasion at the 'Star', and the members, who came from all over the district as well as Suglrave, enjoyed a real social evening, with food provided by the publican and his wife and a sing-song to piano accompaniment. It is interesting to note that the members' contributions rose from the first year's £324 to a massive £14,500 in 1988. The Club went through a difficult time in 1987 when Jack and Muriel Salisbury died, and, with the temporary closure of the pub for four months while improvements were carried out, the Club members' cash was collected in the Parish Room.

In January 1989, the Committee met for the last time, and decided that, due to the lack of support which they had always had in previous years, the Club should be wound up, and so another of the village interests ceased.